Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good Parenting, FTW*!

There were a lot of times through middle school and high school that I got away with stuff I probably shouldn't, I did more then most of my friends and I easily could have taken a different path. I'm not sure if my parents really knew what they were doing with me or if they were just winging it and hoping for the best. Most of the time they were so wrapped up in whatever trouble my brother was causing to worry about what petty crimes I was committing. Usually, this worked in my favor. 

I was a junior and I'd met this boy from another school during a wrestling tournament. He was older and cute and I was a complete dork around him. I sat starting at him talking and laughing with his friends, wrestling and even when up against my school hoping for him to win. At some point he noticed me, I don't remember the details anymore but we started talking. When his school was visiting ours I made a bet with him. It was his idea and I laughed nervously, turned bright red, and agreed. 

If his school won I'd give him a blow job. 

I was nervous as hell the whole time, I had no idea what I was going to do if they won. Our guys were good and I was supposed to be keeping score but I couldn't concentrate on anything else but this ridiculous bet. 

We lost. 

That night we kissed just before he got on his bus and then talked a few more times. He invited me over to his house the following weekend, his parents were out for the night. 

I was nervous and scared but I agreed. I told my parents I was going to go hang out with some friends. I didn't lie, my mom knew that I was talking to this boy from another school and that he would be there, of course I left the impression that other people would also be there. As I was telling them my plans I was already getting ready, doing my hair and changing my clothes. 

Except, they said no. 

What? No? I didn't get told no all that often so needless to say I was pissed. I cried, I pouted, I begged, I probably yelled (although not loud because my dad was home and you don't yell when dad is home)

I had to call this older boy and tell him I couldn't come over. I was mortified and maybe just a little relieved. That night my dad came in and told me he just didn't want to mess things up with me the way they did my brother. It's one of the few heart to hearts my dad had with me. He's not a talkative man. I didn't say much then I was still upset and in sulking teenager mode. How did they know?! I wasn't acting any different then if I were just going to hang out with the girls. I'd been over to plenty of boys houses when no parents and they'd never questioned my stories. How did they know that it was different this time? 

A week or so later I did end up going over to his house. His family was home but we went upstairs and made out. He of course tried to collect on his bet but I managed to get out of that. He wrestled me and pinned me down, we kissed, it was weird and uncomfortable and all I could hear in my head was my dad's voice. I ended up leaving that night feeling strange and eager to get away. We broke up a few days later. 

I'd like to think if my parents had let me go that I wouldn't have done anything I would regret, but I'm not so sure. I was at a point in my life where I wasn't exactly making smart decisions. I was still mostly innocent but I was also self conscious and enjoyed the attention I received from the boys in my life. Maybe a little too much. And yet, something in the back of my head, or maybe in my heart, kept me from crossing the line. Good parents and good friends, they really do make a difference. 

Good parenting - 1 Pervy boys - 0

*FTW = For The Win, incase you didn't know. I didn't until recently because I'm just not that hip :)